The paper presents the results of research of archival materials on the introduction of taxa of the genus Syringa in the “Оlexandria” State Dendrological Park of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (Dendrological Park “Olexandria” NAS of Ukraine). Conventionally, two main stages of lilac introduction in the Dendrological Park “Olexandria” NAS of Ukraine were distinguished: the first stage – from the end of the 18th century until 1918 and the second stage – from 1946 until the present time.
The laying of the monogarden “Syringarium” is considered to have appeared between 1948 and 1950. In 2021, the collection of “Syringarium” comprised two species, one artificial hybrid, and 37 cultivars and was represented by three age groups (i.e., I age group – 76 specimens of 19 cultivars; II age group – 90 specimens of 24 cultivars; III age group – 54 specimens of 15 cultivars).
Considering over 70 years of lilac cultivation on one plot, it went through many difficulties, which resulted in changes in its diversity and a decrease in the quantitative composition of the collection. In particular, allelopathic soil fatigue caused significant weakening of plants and reduced their resistance to disease and pest damage. Therefore, there was a need to optimize the site of the “Syringarium” (i.e., partially replace the soil; re-root the plants on their own roots to extend their life; restore the varietal diversity by introducing the new cultivars, including those of Ukrainian selection, etc.). According to the project developed by the scientists of the Dendrological Park “Olexandria” NAS of Ukraine on optimization of the mono-garden “Syringarium”, it is planned to plant 91 specimens of 47 lilac. For the eco-educational purpose, it is also planned to create an area representing original lilacs species.
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